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Lembar Zat Churity
Lembar Zat Churity
Lembar Zat Churity
Lembar Zat Churity
Lembar Zat Churity
Lembar Zat Churity

Lembar Zat Churity

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Type pamayaran:L/C,T/T,D/P,D/A
Mnt. pesenan:1 Piece/Pieces
palabuhan: Shanghai,Lianyungang,Ningbo
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Lembar Zat Churity
Saluran Aliran Eustromagnetic
Panjelasan Produk
Gering listrik listrik nyaéta aliran anu ngukur aliran dumasar kana hukum listrik listrik. Kauntungan tina nyiksa éléktromagnétik nyaéta karugan tangan leutik sareng kisaran anu tiasa diuk ukuran. Rasio laju aliran maksimum pikeun laju aliran minimum umumna langkung ti 20: 1. Éta nganggo rupa-rupa diaméter pipa industri sareng tiasa ngukur standar pipa dina kisaran DN10 ~ Dn2000. Sinyal kaluaran ieu linier sareng laju aliran anu diukur. Éta akurasi tinggi sareng tiasa ngukur kamampuan. Léngkah aliran Seres tina éta. OUP atanapi palang sareng asam, alkali, Inolatif, cai, cairan, pulpér, sareng éta lapis , Usus Laksi, dahareun, bonténg doméskor, langkaan industri, cai anu numpuk, utamina parsememen cai anu sanés.
Fitur produk

1. Tampilan konversi anu didoko 16-bit ka 16-bit sareng 2 × 16lcd, anu ngajantenkeun parameter gampang sareng sabagian dipercaya.
2. Sistem ukuran bitirminasi, dilengkepan tilu lembaga anu tiasa ditampo: maju. Aliran Ngabalikkeun sareng total bédana bédana antara jalan.
3. Tampilan konvérsi gaduh rupa-rupa hasilna: Kuda, NoSSE, komunikasi digital, Hart, 485 protokololér.
4. Sampil kanggo pipa diaméterna, DN3-1400mm.
5. A awak sensor sareng éléktroda sayogi dina sagala rupa bahan.
6. Ukuran leutik, beurat sinar, gampang diangkut sareng pasang, sareng tiasa sadar pangropéa anu kontinyu, dilatih sareng percanten.

Méja Pilihan Lining

Lining material

Main performance

Maximum medium temperature

Scope of application

Integrated type

Separate type


Polytetrafluoroethylene (F4)

It is a kind of plastic with very stable chemical properties. It can withstand boiling hydrochloric acid, sulfuric acid, nitric acid and aqua regia, as well as concentrated alkali and various organic solvents. Not resistant to corrosion by chlorine trifluoride, high-temperature chlorine trifluoride, high-flow liquid fluorine, liquid oxygen, and auto-oxidation.


100℃ 250℃
(Special order required)

1. Strongly corrosive media such as concentrated acid and alkali.

2. Sanitary media.

Polyperfluoroethylene-propylene (F46)

Same as F4, but its wear resistance and negative pressure resistance are higher than F4.

Same as above


Polyfluoroethylene (Fs)

The upper limit of applicable temperature is lower than that of polytetrafluoroethylene, but the cost is also lower.




1. It has excellent elasticity, high tearing force and good wear resistance.

2. Resistant to the corrosion of general low-concentration acid, alkali and salt media, but not resistant to the corrosion of oxidizing media.

80℃ 120℃ 
(Special order required)

Water, sewage, weakly abrasive mud or slurry.

polyurethane rubber

 Extremely wear-resistant.


Neutral strong abrasion slurry, coal slurry, mud

Méja Pilihan Éléktroda

Electrode material

Corrosion resistance and wear resistance

Stainless steel 0Crl8Nil2M02Ti

It is used for weakly corrosive media such as industrial water, domestic water, and sewage. It is suitable for industrial sectors such as petroleum, chemicals, and steel, as well as municipal and environmental protection fields.

Hastelloy B

It has good corrosion resistance to hydrochloric acid of all concentrations below the boiling point, and is also resistant to corrosion by sulfuric acid, phosphoric acid, hydrofluoric acid, organic acids and other non-chlorinating acids and alkalis, and non-oxidizing salt liquids.

Hastelloy C

It is resistant to corrosion by non-oxidizing acids, such as nitric acid, mixed acid, or mixed media of chromic acid and sulfuric acid, and is also resistant to corrosion by oxidizing salts such as Fc+, Cu+ or other oxidizing agents, such as hypochlorite above normal temperature. Corrosion from solutions and seawater


It can withstand corrosion from seawater, various chlorides and hypochlorites, oxidizing acids (including oleum), organic acids and alkali. It is not resistant to corrosion by relatively pure reducing acids (such as sulfuric acid, hydrochloric acid), but if the acid contains oxidants (such as nitric acid, Fc+, Cu+), the corrosion is greatly reduced.


It has excellent corrosion resistance and is very similar to glass. In addition to hydrofluoric acid, fuming sulfuric acid, and alkali, it is almost resistant to corrosion by chemical media (including boiling hydrochloric acid, nitric acid, and sulfuric acid below 50°C). Resistant to alkali; resistant to corrosion.

Platinum/titanium alloy

It is resistant to almost all chemical media, but is not suitable for aqua regia and ammonium salts.

Stainless steel coated tungsten carbide

For non-corrosive, highly abrasive media.

Note: Since there are many types of media and their corrosiveness is affected by complex factors such as temperature, concentration, flow rate, etc., this table is for reference only. Users should make their own choices based on the actual situation. If necessary, they should conduct corrosion resistance tests on the selected materials, such as coupon tests.

Instalasi instalasi

1. Éta kedah dipasang di bagian handap sareng luhur luhur tina pipa horizelal, sareng nyingkahan ngadamel titik pangluhurna sareng ka handap dina sosok pipa sapertos arah anu dipidangkeun sapertos dipidangkeun dina sosok pipa sapertosna sapertos dipidangkeun dina sosok pipa sapertos arah anu ditingalikeun dina Gambar 1;
2. Parantos dipasang dina titik raya pipa;
3. Nalika masang pipa paripis kabuka, éta kedah dipasang di bagian handap pipa;
4. Upami pompa pipa langkung ageung 5m, pasang klep kumpulkeun lempeng tina sensor;
5. Sensor anu henteu tiasa dipasang dina Inlet sareng Our of Des pompa, tapi kedah dipasang di Outlet tina pompa.

Kirim surélék Panalungtikan

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